Monday, August 30, 2010

Cringe: Past Celebrity Couples That Don't Match?

I've been into a lot of old school movies lately and the other day I was watching James bond a view to kill, i believe it's called. I was looking up Grace Jones, one of my Idols, and I couldn't believe who she used to date. Anyway have you ever thought to yourself how odd a match some celebrities in the past have been?, slightly cringe worthy, but hey- we are all in titled to fall in love with anyone we choose too, but i just wanted to share in my opinion some of the odd ball couples I've found:

Ted Danson and Whoopi Goldberg? Yikes!
Julia Roberts and that geezer? love is blind (ooops)

Rick James and Linda Blair? Random

Grace Jones & Dolph Lundgren? Very Interesting


  1. haha, funny
    grace jones body is aaaaaammmazziiing tho!

  2. these are some strange couples LOL

  3. Haha, great post! Oh Rick James...

  4. Ha Ha Ha! el terrible couples homes....loves it ;-)


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